benefits of tomatoes

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benefits of tomatoes

Post by روميسة » Thu Jun 28, 2018 8:46 am

benefits of tomatoes

Discovered by Christopher Columbus in South America in the fifteenth century, tomatoes were considered poisonous product for a period of three centuries. The people throw the stars of stage that was to punish bad performance. Lebanese threw the cars of Representatives rejection of the extension and to express their anger. Briefly: Aanqrtha peoples, Foakpt revolutions in stages until recently created, a revolution in the medical field.
1. address the cancer:
Because they contain antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, tomatoes are considered him armed with a shield to fight human cancer.
Prostate cancer: Harvard University doctors advised to eat tomatoes because they contain the lycopene, an antioxidant material, which strengthens the human cells and make them respond to cancer cells and inhibit their development.
Breast cancer: proven Drash- published by Rutgers University in the US The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism in December 2014 that the adoption of a diet rich in tomatoes protects against breast cancer in women past menopause. Val lycopene found in tomatoes, raise the protein adiponectin in the body and is responsible for modifying the sugar and fat rate. The researchers have found that the high rate of adiponectin in the blood, protects women from breast cancer.
• lung cancer and stomach cancer: research has shown that lycopene can protect the rights of a deadly stomach cancer and lung cancer caused by pollution.
2. protects against heart disease:
Study in the journal Neurology, published in October 2012, proving that the lycopene protects against heart disease. After conducting a study lasted 12 years, 72 men, indicating that the presence of a large amount of lycopene in the blood, reducing the risk of heart attack by as much as 55 percent.
3. protects the skin:
• x-rays epicanthic.
• opens the color of the skin and make it more moisture.
• loosen the skin from the fat.
• relieve skin irritation and inflammation.
• prevent acne.
• removes pimples from the black face.
4. protect the immune system:
Tomatoes contain a large amount of the vitamine C that protect the immune system and provide energy and vitality, and burn fat in the body.
5. protects the liver:
Tomatoes useful for the liver, they contain chlorine responsible for liver purification from impurities and dirt and get rid of the fat.
6. relieve the pressure:
Thanks to the amount of potassium, which is concentrated in, you can cut the tomatoes from human blood pressure, because it is able to reduce the proportion of salt in the body.
Asserts nutritionist and member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics US, Ruby Brown, the benefits of tomatoes mentioned above and adds that this fruit, is not only a pal lycopene and vitamine C rich, but also contain vitamin the biotine useful for hair, and on the Vitamine E. adds tomatoes protect against Alzheimer's disease, and stress or what is known as Bal stress. It is recommended by all those who wish to lose weight than anything, because the tomatoes, remove the fat
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